Wednesday, December 29, 2010

 I like pink panther...

 Cartoon shorts featuring the Pink Panther and the
Inspector. There were three cartoon shorts with
additional black-out gag vignettes between the first
and second and between the second and third cartoons.
The Pink Panther is almost always mute. Some newly
animated between-cartoon vignettes had the panther
and the Inspector together. In one memorable one,
the Pink Panther plays badminton with the
Inspector and Sergeant Deux-Deux.

 In September, 1971, The Pink Panther Show becameThe Pink Panther Meets the Ant and the Aardvark,a new NBC Saturday morning series. The Inspectordisappeared, and the characters of the secondcartoon in every episode were an easy-going ant named Charlie, and a hungry aardvark (with a snoutthat operates like the hose of a vacuum cleaner),who wants to eat the Ant. Comedian John Byner,imitatedconsummate American singer-entertainerDean Martin for the voice of the Ant and provided distinct inflections of rabbi-turned-comic JackieMason for the plaintive but resolute words of the Aardvark.
In September, 1976, NBC expanded its Pink Panther
Show to 90 minutes, and cartoons with the panther,
the Inspector, and the Ant and the Aardvark were
joined by cartoon shorts starring new DePatie-Freleng
animation stars, Fatso and Banjo- the Texas Toads,
a pair of intellectually-challenged, Rio Grande-region
amphibians always in search of flies and fun, and
black-suited Misterjaw, a self-important,
scheming shark voiced by Arte Johnson.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

today i go jusco buy cristmas presents.I buy a very btf cup to my grandfather but now he don't know la...cristmas that day i will give him,every year grandfather also will give cristmas presents so this year i want buy a cristmas present to him lo...I very like cristmas,cristmas day give me that fill like very relax.The song the tree and all of cristmas things...I also like to wach cristmas cartoon movie.let see the all btf cristmas trees...WO'' I very very like it...............
I want to say to my friend , my family and U ''merry cristmas'' every body!!
 Oh.... ya.... this saturday who want go countdown? who want with me...go wear?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

 Yesterday night i got jogging with my father...i also bring my dog to (desaparkcity)
 today my leg muscle pain...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

命苦啊。没有钱就是这样的啦。现在姐姐去作工,''all work also want me to do!!! 如果有钱就请工人了咯。不用我作。我有想过一个方法不用我作家务,就是搬去hotel住。哈哈哈 = =''我在发梦啊。不好意思。不用经的,爸爸有奖我一个月零用钱+多50。。。

Monday, December 20, 2010

 this all mouse is aready dead...

sad...crying now...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

 yesterday me,sister and father go pulau ketam one day trip...
 at pulau ketam...WA!!! pulau ketam is so durty...and no things play de...lucky we got bring fished things if not we will not at there morning until afternoon...

 mother dog and baby dog...

 a red house...
 a blue house...

 pulau ketam's dog...

 we go fished...

 we having lunch...

 me , sister , father....
                                      on boat...